Personal Reputation Management: How Important Is It?
Personal Reputation Management explained by Phoenix-based JW Maxx Solutions. Face it: reputation does matter, whether or not we think it’s fair. A notable factor behind a brand’s success or lack thereof is its reputation. A fact that has been measured and analyzed for a long while. A brand’s reputation comes only second place to what it has to offer that its competitors don’t. Personal Reputation Mangement Firm JW Maxx Solutions explains that reviews and ratings are critical in all aspects of Personal and Small business reputation management. Control how you look online is the key According to a 2017 report published by Edelman Trust Barometer, roughly 64 percent of consumers rely on and trust search engines—a lot. Additionally, 59 percent of Internet users generally trust the information provided by search engines over other human beings. It’s fair to assume you’ve consulted Uncle Google to fact-check someone at least once your…