
Executive and Personal Reputation Management Explained

Executive and personal reputation management explained why it is essential now more than ever.

CEOs are the face of a company, so public opinion can affect how customers and shareholders perceive them. And this is where the executive and personal reputation management comes in.

As a CEO, you want positive comments to appear when someone searches your business. But what if something negative shows up? Well, JW Maxx Solutions can help with personal reputation management.

Why CEO’s need to manage their online reputation

CEOs are under constant scrutiny, so something negative can threaten the business. Such uncontrollable events strike without notice, so you must keep tabs on the corporate landscape. Some ways of managing reputation include exhibiting honesty and ethics, having good external communication, and focusing on customers.

Reputation management strategies

Managing your online reputation is a big decision. Some of the guidelines you can use include:

Be active and visible

Consumers and investors want corporate leaders to engage with the public, employees, and the press. External visibility help executives practice communication skills and share insights.

Tweet responsibly

A tweet can be shared in different ways with or without your consent. CEOs should think about how a tweet will be perceived before posting anything. Therefore, you should improve your image on social media platforms including, Facebook and Instagram.

CEOs can provide links to their portfolios and make the best first impression.

Tweet responsibly to avoid hurting your personal brand

Engage your employees

Communication within your company can help turn your employees into cheerleaders.

Be careful about your behavior

The negative press will not only lead to public embarrassment but also compromises your online search results.

Publish evergreen content

The surefire way to boost your online reputation is by publishing fresh content – it empowers negative information that can erode your reputation. When customers search for a company name during a reputational crisis, the search engine will show negative information.

Unfortunately, most people don’t go past the first page on Google. If you don’t create content that ranks on the first page, you’re simply burying the results. Through aggressive publication, you can shove much of the negativity to page 2 and beyond. Keep in mind the process takes time to generate results.

boost your online reputation by publishing fresh content

Publish press releases

While press releases are not guaranteed that you’ll rank on top of SERPs, they can be a powerful antidote to negative news. The effectiveness of a press release will depend on the newsworthy potential and severity of the defamatory statement. Even banal bits of information will receive a negative impression from news aggregators. After the publication, you ought to pay attention to phone calls, requests for interviews, and emails.

It’s worth mentioning that the real power of press releases will get picked by significant distribution channels.

How JW Maxx Solutions can help with executive reputation management

Executive and personal reputation management are about conveying your attributes, defining your brand, and providing value. JW Maxx Solutions will help you:

Build your executive brand

The first point where a customer gets into contact with your brand is the company website. The professional team will help you enhance your credibility through personal blogs. With a solid SEO strategy, your business will rank for its name. A blog is the best tool to showcase how you can add value to customers.

Another vital business tool is LinkedIn. You can actively participate on the platform and collect recommendations from those who trust your brand.

Build your executive brand

Monitoring your brand

To manage your online reputation, the competent team will help you monitor everything being said online. That way, you can know how your brand is perceived and what people are talking about. In addition to that, they will examine the type of content that appears on the search engine results when visitors such as your business name.

As a CEO, you’ll learn how to practice social listening, track mentions, and measure sentiment. And to ensure you focus on what matters most in your business, JW Maxx Solutions will monitor the reviews and ratings for you. Another crucial aspect of monitoring your brand is setting Google alerts – language, source, region, and frequency.

Addressing negative content

Negative mentions and hate sites can ruin your credibility. The professionals at JW Maxx Solutions will use a proactive approach to ensure your brand is protected. Also, they will respond promptly to disgruntled customers and negative opinions expressed in media coverage. Another strategy is posting social media guidelines for communities.

Wrap up

With so much at stake, you should ensure your online reputation is clean. JW Maxx Solutions can help executives build an online reputation and boost their brand. We provide positive media solutions for growth-oriented companies.

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