Online Personal Reputation Management 2020
Online Personal Reputation Management 2020 By JW Maxx Solutions
Your personal online reputation management has never been more critical. Never before in the history of humanity has so much information about a person been so readily available. It can genuinely factor in every aspect of your life. Your professional life or your personal life. Your present or your future. This may sound a bit scary, and it perhaps kind of is, but that’s life today. You need to understand how your online image affects you and what you can do about it.
Your Present
Personal: You may not have considered that what you post, or have posted about you, can affect your everyday private life. But it can. Your friends and family may stumble upon anything you may have posted, or had posted, about you. If you have posted anything online and think, “I hope my parents don’t see that.” There is a good chance they have done. It doesn’t take as much work as you might think to find these things, it is often as simple as a quick google search.
Professional: You never know if your employer might start doing thorough background checks, looking for reasons to let people go. It is quite a lot more common than you might think. You never know if what you said as an angry teenager on Facebook will come back to bite you. You see it all the time in today’s “cancel culture.” Kevin Hart had to step down from presenting the Oscars because of some tweets he wrote years ago. It can happen to you too. Your online personal reputation management is not under as much scrutiny as someone like Kevin Hart’s is, But it can still occur. It only takes one person looking.
Your Future
Personal: Dating today is very different than it was even 20 years ago. Online dating sites are the most likely way for a couple to meet. Because of the way this works, the first time you meet someone can be on your first date. Because you don’t know what to expect from each other, there is a very high likelihood you will be googling each other’s names, trying to find out whatever you can. How would you feel if your date started bringing up cringe-worthy comments you made on Facebook 5 years ago. Or worse, straight up ghosted you and never turned up.
Professional: If you are applying for a new job, a new college, or a new university in today’s world you, will have your background checked. Almost 100% guaranteed. Because of this, you never know what might be dug up. How would you feel if you lost out on a great new job, or lost your place at your dream school? All because of things you said online, or things people posted about you. If you have social media, with pictures of you and your friends drunk, do you think that will go over well with the admissions board? No. It won’t.
What you can do to help yourself
There are plenty of ways you can help yourself out of this situation. But it just boils down to two things. What you need to do right now, and what you need to keep doing in the future.
What you should do now
Set all your accounts to private.Un-tag yourself from any photos of you that you wouldn’t want to be seen. Delete all your old posts, within reason (Don’t just delete everything for the sake of it, only the things would be better off gone). Remove any highly personal information that links your account to you. Do you need everyone to know where you work? It makes finding you very easy for your employer.
What to keep in mind going forward
Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your boss, date, or teacher to see. Don’t allow yourself to be tagged in photos without your approval. Don’t create public social media accounts; always set them to private. Make sure you keep a positive mental attitude and keep applying for opportunities on sites like link.
Conclusion: Managing your Online Personal Reputation Management
The best way to stay safe and stay private online is to make sure you just think ahead. Good forethought and common sense are all you need. Treat anything you post as something that WILL be seen by your boss, your future date, your colleagues, your teachers, and your parents. Even if it won’t be seen, it is much better to be safe than sorry. Your personal reputation online is just as important as it is offline. If you treat your online image with respect and understand its importance, you will be okay. Good luck!
About JW Maxx Solutions
JW Maxx Solutions is a digital marketing agency based in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona. With offices in Latin American, the company specializes in Personal and Corporate reputation management. They also help the client with Brand Enhancement and many other digital services. They provide positive media solutions to growth-oriented companies.